It Started With The Sea - Meet Artist Reisha Perlmutter

This month we’re celebrating not only our connection to the ocean and the lifestyle we love (thanks to World Oceans Day and International Surfing Day falling in June), but we’re excited to share stories of amazing women who draw their inspiration and experiences from the sea.

Meet artist, Reisha Perlmutter. Her captivating hyperreal paintings of women underwater are so incredibly detailed that you would be forgiven in thinking they were photographs. Having grown up by the ocean in Florida, it’s no wonder that her earliest connections with the sea as a child have inspired her artistic realisations today.

Monthly Mixtape: Mainei Kinimaka

It’s finally June, which can mean multiple things, but if you’re north of the equator you’ll understand our excitement. Summer is a matter of days away and we are busily planning out our beach day essentials in preparation for the long, lazy days to come.

It Started With The Sea - Meet the Rubias Collective

This month we’re celebrating not only our connection to the ocean and the lifestyle we love (thanks to World Oceans Day and International Surfing Day falling in June), but we’re excited to share stories of amazing women who draw their inspiration and experiences from the sea.

Meet Roxy and Bree from the Rubias Collective. They’re two incredibly talented videographers based in Oahu, Hawaii and they create mesmerizing moments that poetically capture the many moods of the ocean from above and below the surface.

The Kids Are Alright: Meet Sierra

Sierra Kerr hardly needs an introduction. She has already been on a few trips with the ROXY team, and chances are, you've either caught her skating skills or her surf clips on the gram and wished you had those kind of moves at her age.

It's easy to catch her stoke when you're hanging out with her, but we dare you to try and keep up. it's almost impossible.

Fiji Pro By the Numbers

There’s no doubt about it, Tavarua has to be one of the most idyllic locations on the World Championship tour. What’s not to love? A heart shaped island with World class surf on your doorstep, fresh coconuts on tap and crystal clear water lapping at palm fringed beaches.

Bronte and Bianca have been soaking up the island vibes over the last few days, so we asked them to dial it down for us in our favorite format - by the numbers! Scroll down to read the Fiji edit and don’t blame us if you find yourselves booking a ticket to paradise shortly afterward...
